Sample Page
Example Candlestick chart
New parameters to control
mode=”1″ (allow candlestick and ohlc)
ct=”candlestick” (chart type)
ulc (up line color)
ufc (up fill color)
dlc (down line color)
dfc (down fill color)
Example shorcode:
[b2i_chart mode=”1″ ct=”candlestick” ulc=”4CAF50″ ufc=”4CAF50″ ulc=”ff0000″ ufc=”ff0000″ sdiv=”test” s=”EAT” sd=” ” e=”Brinker International Inc” fa=”.2″ vfa=”.3″ c=”336699″ cc=”336699″ lc3=”336699″ la3=”.5″ lt=”1″ cba=”.5″ bga=”.8″ ga=”.2″ ]